It's been awhile, I know. It's been a busy few weeks. So what have I been doing you ask...well, let me show you...
I went to San Francisco with my mom to run the Nike Women's Marathon! It was a great race and a fabulous weekend with my mom! We had such fun!
Here we are race morning, getting ready to go!

And, here I am about to cross the finish line about 4 1/2 hours later! Hooray!
It was a super race to run. We started in Union Square, ran out to the Embarcadero, saw Pier 39, Fisherman's Wharf, Alcatraz, the Golden Gate Bridge (very hidden by fog!), out to Highway 1 and the Beach, through Golden Gate Park, around Lake Merced, and back to the beach to finish. There were firemen dressed in tuxedos at the finish line to hand you a beautiful little blue box, Tiffany's, of course! 
Here I am post race, showered and wearing my Tiffany's finishers necklace.
We enjoyed a girl's weekend full of laughs, sightseeing, and great food! I can't wait to do it again...the weekend, I mean, not the marathon! I think I'll need a few more months before that sounds like a good idea!
Since I've gotten home, we've been getting ready for fall and Halloween! My husband decided to show off his creative side with some pumpkin carving! He has a Bronco's pumpkin, Ryan got an Ironman pumpkin, and Anna got a Hello Kitty one! When I got back from San Francisco he even had a surprise for me!

This is my pumpkin all lit up at night!
The kids have been counting down the days until Halloween! They love dressing up, and, of course, the trick or treating! 
Here are my very own Peter Pan and Tinkerbell!

And, my loves in their Halloween p.j.'s!
Oh, and did I mentioned we got a bit of snow last week! We were snowed in for two days! The kids loved their snow days, and so did I! We baked, watched movies, did lots of playing, and even fit in a little sewing (more on that in my next post!). Here's the view from our driveway, after I shoveled!

Happy Halloween everybody! Hope you have a safe and sweet one!