Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Technology Here I Come!

So here I am in cyberspace! Who knew? Me, the girl who can't keep her cell phone charged, has yet to figure out how to text message, and still doesn't really get twittering (what is that anyway?), has jumped into the world of blogging. I've been lurking around this blogging universe for a few months, quietly reading and checking it out. And, much to my surprise, I love it! It's just too fun to be sitting in my own house making friends around the country (and world), and getting to see so many amazing pictures (especially the quilts).

So here goes nothing! I'm in!

So hello everyone out there! My name is Christy and I live in beautiful Colorado Springs. I have two kiddos, Ryan is 4 and Anna is 6. I get the great privilege of being a stay at home mom, and I love it. I'm also an avid quilter and fabric collector (of course).

Thanks for stopping by and I'm looking forward to meeting you all in this crazy online place!

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